Category Business

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops – Are you taking advantage of everything you already have?

During a recent discussion with a client regarding Citrix Session Recording it became obvious that there were many features of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops that the client wasn’t aware they had access to.  So in this post of the Xenwerx Blog we are going to go through the features that comes with each version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops when deployed on-premise. Whether you take advantage of all the features you get with your licensing model of CVAD you should at least know what you are paying for and make use of any features that could be beneficial to your organization.

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Reducing distractions while working remote.

As businesses look to implement permanent hybrid or remote work schedules for their employees they are forced to face one of their biggest fears, lack of producitivity by employees.  The idea of employees continuing with a fully remote work schedule has started to fade in favor of a hybrid work model, where employees split their time between working remote and being in the office.  However, many employers are still concerned about their employee’s productivity during the remote work days.  So how can you as an employee ensure that you are just as productive, or more so, on your remote work days.  Below are some tips to minimize distractions and remain productive while working remote.

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Virtual vs Physical Workstations – Which is right?

In last weeks post on the Xenwerx blog, the differences and similarities between VDI and Daas solutions were looked at.  But what if your organization if trying to decide between staying with physical workstations (desktop or laptop computers) vs going with a virtual desktop, whether that be VDI or DaaS? In this weeks post we will look at the differences and similarities bretween physical and virtual desktops and what each means for your organization. From and IT and end user stand point.

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VDI vs DaaS – Which is right for you?

The large number of employees working remote or in a hybrid scenario has brought VDI and now Desktop as a Service (DaaS) to the top of the list of topics being discussed or implemented for many organizations.  But what is the difference between VDI and DaaS?  Both provide virtual desktops that can be accessed by employees from anywhere. 

In this weeks post on the Xenwerx blog we will look at the differences and similarities between VDI and DaaS.

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Five ShareFile tips for your business

Citrix ShareFile provides businesses a secure online file repository that can be used by employees and clients for collaboration, encrypted email, and e-signature.  ShareFile also offers such features as file drops and web forms that can be embedded into your company website to allow customers to upload files directly to your employees.

Below are five tips plus a bonus that can help your employees save time as they interact with Citrix ShareFile.

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Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2109 – What’s new

The latest version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) has been release, version 2109. This latest version in the Current Release path contains several improvements, bug fixes, and added support. 

The biggest announcement is that CVAD 2109 will have Day 1 support for Microsoft Windows Server 2022. This will allow customers to immediately gain the benefits and improvements of Server 2022 for their CVAD infrastructure and VDAs.

In addition to the Day 1 support for Windows Server 2022 there were many other improvements and features added to 2109.

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Ransomware. Are you as prepared as you think you are?

The first half of 2021 showed a 93% increase in the number of ransomware attacks compared to 2020 according to an article on citing the Check Points mid-year security report. The increase in ransomware isn’t just impacting financial institutions and large business, business of all sizes in all market areas including public schools and universities.

Is your business prepared for a ransomware attack? Are you sure? See how Citrix can help ensure that you and your data are protected on multiple levels from ransomware and other security threats.

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The Great Resignation

An article on reveals the recent trend of over 4 million people quitting their jobs in the midst of a job market fraught with businesses failing, financial uncertainties, and the highest levels of unemployment in recent history. 

So with all the business and job market tribulations happening right now why would over 4 million employees decide to give up their current job and become a member of “The Great Resignation”? In a word, flexibility.

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Is your work from home solution a hassle for your employees?

There is no denying that post-pandemic the typical office setup has changed. The number of employees working from home and demanding work from home capabilities to stay at their current employer has required that employers offer some form of work from home solution.  That solution could be full time or part time for employees, but the one thing that has to happen is that employees have to be able to access the resources they need, collaborate with co-workers and work from anywhere all doing so in a secure manner.

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