Category Tech Notes

Citrix Session Recording: How to save time troubleshooting and increase security

Citrix Session Recording is not new technology.  However, it is extremely under utilized and has had some recent improvements that should not be overlooked.  If you are not familiar with Session Recording it allows the recording of a users’s virtuall app or desktops session to be reviewed later by administrators.  This recording can be used for a multitude of reasons such as troubleshooting user issues, ensuring security is being maintained or documenting a security issue, or providing documentation to protect your company and employees when finger pointing happens.  We will explore some of the new features and how Session Recording can help your organization.

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Citrix session reconnection behavior during maintenance mode

Placing Citrix virtual apps and desktop resources into maintenance mode is a common task for all CVAD administrators.  However, maintenance mode has not always worked the way end users or administrators have wanted.  However, some recent changes have allowed Administrators to configure the behavior of sessions that were active prior to maintenance mode being enabled.

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Office 365 and Citrix SD-WAN

As more and more business move from Microsoft Office 2016 to Office 365 they realize the benefits of the an Office 365 deployment, but they also realize some of the struggles and performance issues that end users can face.  This is even more so the case for remote branch office (ROBO) where users are often times their internet traffic must traverse the WAN back to the main office before going out the internet.  In the case of Office 365 this means that rather than accessing a Microsoft 365 front door that is closer the users are forced to experience issues with Teams audio quality and dropouts, screen sharing that doesn’t always work, and slow email searches.  But there is a way to streamline this process and improve the end user’s experience.

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Citrix Files – GPO Configuration

Microsoft Group Policy is a huge part of any Microsoft based network and plays an important role in ensuring that configuration settings are consistent for all or groups of users, pushing software installations, or ensuring security is maintained for a wide range of Microsoft products in your organization.  You probably also know that Microsoft Group Policy can be used for more than just Microsoft products and Citrix Files, the local application interface for Citrix ShareFile is no exception.

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Be the hero with Citrix WEM

Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) is an often times overlooked application that provides your VDI and application users with better desktop performance and application response times as well as the fastest logon times possible.  And lets be honest, who here hasn’t had their users complain about slow logons. 

If you are currently using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service or Virtual Apps and Desktops Premium on-premises then you already have access to Citrix WEM at no additional cost.

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