Category ShareFile

Five ShareFile tips for your business

Citrix ShareFile provides businesses a secure online file repository that can be used by employees and clients for collaboration, encrypted email, and e-signature.  ShareFile also offers such features as file drops and web forms that can be embedded into your company website to allow customers to upload files directly to your employees.

Below are five tips plus a bonus that can help your employees save time as they interact with Citrix ShareFile.

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Citrix Files – GPO Configuration

Microsoft Group Policy is a huge part of any Microsoft based network and plays an important role in ensuring that configuration settings are consistent for all or groups of users, pushing software installations, or ensuring security is maintained for a wide range of Microsoft products in your organization.  You probably also know that Microsoft Group Policy can be used for more than just Microsoft products and Citrix Files, the local application interface for Citrix ShareFile is no exception.

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