Archives August 2021

Is your work from home solution a hassle for your employees?

There is no denying that post-pandemic the typical office setup has changed. The number of employees working from home and demanding work from home capabilities to stay at their current employer has required that employers offer some form of work from home solution.  That solution could be full time or part time for employees, but the one thing that has to happen is that employees have to be able to access the resources they need, collaborate with co-workers and work from anywhere all doing so in a secure manner.

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Why its OK to hire a consultant, no matter what size your business is.

There are a lot of myths and misnomers about consultants.  Consultants are only used by large corporations, you only need a consultant when you are in “real” trouble, consultants only tell you what you are doing wrong, consultants are expensive, etc. 

Although some of these myths may be based in reality for some organizations that is not the case for all consultants or organizations.  Business of any size can benefit from the help of a consultant on a full time or as-needed basis. Below are just a few ways that a consultant can help your business whether you are a Mom-and-Pop local retailer or a Global organization.

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